One of our long time customers (and neighbor) came to us a little while ago for re-branding their company (we had been doing their vehicle graphics up until that point, but had decided to go ahead and change up their name and logo a little bit). In the process of re-design, we came up with a slick new vehicle graphics layout.
We kept with a “security car” look with added highlights of reflective vinyl to glow under headlights but our favorite part is that red down the side! We went with 3M Wrapping Cast in Gloss Dragonfire Red, which has a little bit of a candy apple finish and pairs nicely with the reflective. Being an air release wrapping cast we technically don’t need to do much to it in terms of prep, but with the added accent stripes along the body we decided to pre-cut the design on a plotter to ensure each vehicle has the same base shape. Once the material is plotter cut, we have to apply a transfer tape over the top of easy installation. But we don’t just stop there…
We actually spend a little bit of time on the front end engineering the shapes around each door handle, pre-cutting those as well. We use those handles to align the graphics onto the body (in the proper place) and ensure an accurate installation in one shot! It takes a little more time on the front end of the project, but has an amazing result in the end.